You don't have to know how to cook in order to cook

If I had waited till I knew what I was doing before I tried cooking something, I'd have been even skinnier than the 80's expected me to be. As it was, I had a penchant for eating, not much in the way of money and a never dwindling case of the munchies that led me (and my friends) to eat - well, nearly anything really.
Thus began my journey of trial and error.
These days I'm a fuller figure than way back then, and the munchies come from prescription medication. Although money doesn't have the driving influence of the heady days of poverty-induced vegetarianism, I can find myself still cooking up a lentil meal just because I like it.

There was nothing like being desperate for a pancake at 11pm at night to help you figure out what you can substitute for eggs, milk and sometimes even flour...

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Cooking's sometimes hard enough, but do I have to wash up also?

The short answer is yes... unless we use banana leaves to serve and eat with our fingers and stir with sticks (not really a bad idea...)

but we can keep the cookware down, which often includes the grottiest implements to wash.


Roast Chicken and Char-Grilled Vegetables. 

Bake the whole thing in one pot!!  
This is also a good pantry dinner (not much from the fridge)

Turn the oven on to about 180/350.

Throw together 6 slices of bread (cut off crusts and cut into little squares); a jar of roasted char-grilled vegies (drained), one shredded BBQ chicken and some spinach leaves.  Stir it together IN the dish you're going to cook it in, you don't have to go overboard, just so the chicken isn't all on one side and the spinach wont turn into a black mess in the corner.

Whisk up 6 eggs with about 1 and a bit cups of milk and pour it over the chicken/vegie mix.  Leave it to swoon a bit while you tidy up the little tiny mess in the kitchen.

Grate some cheese over the top of the goodies in the dish and place it in the oven in order for it to consider how it can warm the cockles of your heart.  You should give it at least 35 minutes thinking time.

The bread becomes golden when it comes up with an idea and miraculously the eggs set at about the same time.

Eat it!!  Sometimes it looks like this - but the bottom of the dish couldn't possibly be this clean if you've just taken out a slice.  If it is, all power to you - your washing up is going to be even more minimal.  If it's not, it's because you just BAKED in it, which is how things should be.

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